E-Seed Business Checkup
When was your last business checkup?
Is your business performing at its best?
Are you having trouble identifying what might be holding back its growth?
Do you need some help finding the cause of what is making it sick?
Yes, businesses can get sick just like the people who own them. But recognizing symptoms and making a diagnosis can be tricky. Let the E-SEED Business Doctors help.
Published in 2004, E-SEED Business Checkup, is a first of its kind business book that takes a lighthearted approach to some very serious issues. It helps to laugh at yourself as the light bulb goes on while reading the stories of entrepreneurs whose businesses became ill. Learn to recognize warning symptoms early and to listen for verbal indicators of impending problems.
Take the cure before the pain gets too bad.
Written by entrepreneurs, Sally E Smith and Jean Zimmerman who have “walked the walk.” As business owners and as consultants to businesses of all sizes, Smith and Zimmerman have seen it all. You will enjoy and identify with the case studies of patients, and before you finish – you’ll be diagnosing the developing treatment plans like a pro!
A Great Purchase For:
• Professional Growth
• Gifts
• A Business Promotional
• Team Building
• An Educational Tool
Order Today – $15.95
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